Global Healing is fortunate to have had many wonderful volunteers and supporters over the years. Thank You Carl Taibl for almost 9 years of service as a member of the board and volunteer CFO. When Carl Taibl heard from a colleague that Global Healing was seeking a board member with his financial acumen, he was intrigued by the opportunity. As the chief financial officer of a nonprofit, Carl thought it would [...]
Global Healing is fortunate to have had many wonderful volunteers and supporters over the years. In December 2018 we will say farewell, and an enormous thank you, to one of our most dedicated: Alice Gruber, who will be retiring from the board after nearly 15 years with the organization. After Global Healing board member Dr. Arup Roy-Burman saw the need for outpatient pediatric care on the Honduran Bay island of [...]
From Manhattan Island to the Bay Islands of Honduras: One Pediatrician’s Experience is a Study in Contrasts Upon arriving in Roatán to spend four weeks with Global Healing last January, Dr. Jamila Williams was struck by the beauty of the island. Surrounded by warm Caribbean waters and dotted with tropical hilltops, Roatán is the largest of the Bay Islands of Honduras, drawing tourists from around the world. In stark contrast [...]
As soon as she met the neonatal nurses she would be training for the next two weeks at the Vietnam National Children’s Hospital (VNCH), Mary Le was impressed. In preparation for her second trip to Hanoi as a Global Healing volunteer in 2016, Mary had carefully prepared a lot of training material, including 15 slide decks. Not only had the hospital staff translated all of the training material into Vietnamese, [...]
Update from February: During the last trip in Feb. 2019, Dr. Eric Scher met with Joel and his family. Joel continues to have improving health with increased tolerance of activity and greatly improved breathing. He had been receiving nightly infusions of chelation therapy to remove excess iron from his body. His improvement is related to decreased iron deposition in his vital organs such as his heart and liver. Joel and [...]
Her first morning in Roatán, Honduras, Lia Thompson stood on the island’s one paved road at 7 a.m. hailing a taxi. “I was a little overwhelmed at first,” Lia says with a laugh, “but it’s actually really easy. You just stand on the side of the road you want to go down. It’s a cool little island.” Soon enough, a cab came along and took Lia to the Roatán Volunteer Pediatric [...]
Find out what inspired Global Healing’s founder Jo Ann McGowan, and how one person can change the world through compassion and determination. Who was Jo Ann McGowan? Jo Ann McGowan was the founder and executive director of two nonprofit organizations located in Northern California, Heart to Heart International Children’s Medical Alliance and Global Healing. She dedicated the later part of her life to ensuring that no child would die from a treatable [...]
We started the year with great news. The latest generous donation by Helmer Scientific was delivered this past week to Tbilisi, Georgia. Helmer Scientific has donated multiple items of life-saving cold chain equipment as part of their corporate philanthropy program, “Chill the World.” This equipment is now helping make safe blood accessible and is increasing the number of blood products the Jo Ann Medical Center (JAMC) Blood Bank in Georgia [...]
As we gear down from our trip to Honduras this past week, we want to introduce you to an incredible man working to provide pediatric surgeries in Roatán, Honduras, an island where much of the population has scarce resources and limited skilled medical attention. It’s a tragedy when children don’t have access to timely surgical care when there is a need. Fortunately, there are people who are working hard to [...]
Global Healing: looking to 2018. It’s Halloween, so we’ll come out and say it: change can be scary. Here at Global Healing and at our program sites around the world, lots of changes are underway. Rather than spooked, we’re excited for what’s to come. You will be, too, when you read about the new people, practices and projects we’re involved with into next year to improve care for children and [...]
October 30, 2017