Pediatric volunteer

  • Her first morning in Roatán, Honduras, Lia Thompson stood on the island’s one paved road at 7 a.m. hailing a taxi. “I was a little overwhelmed at first,” Lia says with a laugh, “but it’s actually really easy. You just stand on the side of the road you want to go down. It’s a cool little island.” Soon enough, a cab came along and took Lia to the Roatán Volunteer Pediatric [...]

    May 9, 2018


  • We’re thrilled to introduce you to Casey Jereb, our new HEAL Internship Coordinator. She will be inheriting the role from Will Yokeley, who has generously volunteered his time over the past five years to engage and support student interns volunteering at the Roatán Volunteer Pediatric Clinic (RVPC) through our Health Education & Advocacy Liaisons program. After completing her undergraduate studies at UC Davis in Environmental Toxicology with a medical emphasis, [...]

    August 18, 2017
